Thursday, January 17, 2013

      Lydia Davis' Television sucks the reader in with "If dead people walked outside our windows we would be no more excited." (209)  This parallel drawn by Davis offers an interesting perspective on the  personal participation of viewers.  I relate this quote to my obsession with HBO's Game of Thrones and the contingency of "White Walkers" that are literally the walking undead.  Every Sunday during the summers I religiously tune in to catch the 9 o'clock re-run of the weeks episode.
      Davis moves on to discuss news anchors and their revealing outfits while describing her husband who "sits with his eyes on a certain young reporter and waits for the camera to draw back and reveal her breasts."  My infatuation with ESPN's Lindsey Czarniak is extremely parallel to this in that I would rather receive my sports news in no other fashion but from her beautiful blonde lips.
      The points Davis hits on are extremely relevant to the modern era of television, these two instances are extremely representative of my personal relationship with my LG television.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like what you admire is how accurately she gets at how we live our lives through television. Push your own observation skills to see if, through a particular character, you can also show that kind of recognizable truth about the way we live . . .
